National Senior Health & Fitness Day® is the nation’s largest annual health and wellness event for older adults. Around the country, activities have been planned for older adults. According to the Harvard Medical School, exercising for seniors is essential, and according to studies, people in their 70s and 80s could become more physically fit even if they had never exercised before. Here are some ideas to attend to your health and fitness from the comfort of your own home:
- Burn Calories and Reduce Stress by De-Cluttering.
In an article in Health magazine, among ways to burn 100 calories, Jennifer Cohen, a fitness authority and television personality, recommends spending half an hour de-cluttering your home. “Clutter makes it more difficult to relax in your own home, and relaxing helps bring down levels of cortisol, a stress hormone,” she notes. Take some time to tackle your closet, and then relax and admire the results.
- Take an Online Exercise Class.
Right now, much of the world has moved online, and exercise is no exception. From videos on YouTube to websites like Silver Sneakers, there are a wide variety of free options to explore. The National Council on Aging posted an article to its website, Exercise Programs That Promote Senior Fitness, which discusses the benefits of exercise for older adults. According to the article, regular exercise can help older adults stay independent and prevent many health problems that come with age. The article identifies some useful online resources to help get started on a suitable exercise program. Before you start a new exercise program, confer with your physician to be sure you are picking something that matches your fitness level.
- Make a Phone Call…While Walking
Walking is an excellent activity, and you can do it anywhere. Try combining your next phone call with a walk throughout your home. Exercising indoors is possible for everyone. In France, during the shelter in place order for the COVID-19 pandemic, news spread quickly about a man who ran an entire marathon on his apartment balcony. There’s no need to be as advanced as the example; try multitasking by walking and talking as a way to be active.
- Have a Healthy Snack and Hydrate
Staying healthy is about nutrition as much as exercise and having healthy snacks will help keep a balanced diet. The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences recommends a number of options for older adults, including dairy products such as cottage cheese, yogurt, flavored milk, milk pudding and ice cream, especially if accompanied with fruit. Another great idea for a quick energizing and easily prepared snack is a tuna salad. Staying hydrated is important as well. It is better to drink room temperature beverages and to sip throughout the day instead of trying to get it all in one drink. A good way to remember to hydrate is to keep a glass of water by a favorite chair and add a squeeze of lemon or lime juice for flavor.
We hope that this year’s Senior Health & Fitness Day inspires you to join older Americans all over the country as they work on improving their own health and fitness. For more information about our community, contact us today.