Outpatient Care Hirsh Health Center
Specializing in primary geriatric care, the practice serves residents of Charles E. Smith Life Communities as well as patients from the surrounding area.
Information & Appointments:
Now accepting new patients.
Primary medical care exclusively devoted to older adults.
To remain healthy and independent, older adults require convenient access to quality medical care and rehabilitative services uniquely focused on their needs. Thatās why we opened the Harold & Jane Hirsh Health Center ā a medical practice that specializes in primary geriatric care. We are open to residents of Charles E. Smith Life Communities and also welcome patients from the surrounding area.
- Primary care appointments with physicians and nurse practitioners who are board-certified in geriatric medicine
- Clinical expertise focused on person-centered care
- Convenient location in the heart of Rockville
- Medicare and most major insurance plans accepted
- 24-hour physician coverage through an on-call service after hours
- Appointments with visiting specialists, including: Gynecology, Dermatology, Audiology, Ophthalmology, Podiatry, and Cardiology
Tips for New Patients
We lookĀ forward to meeting you, and offer these tips to make the most of your first visit:
- Ask your current physician to transfer your medical records to Hirsh Health Center.
- ArriveĀ 15 minutes early to complete forms and allow time for us to copy your Medicare and insurance cards.
- Bring all medications you are currently taking with you.
- Encourage a family member to accompany you.
- You may need to have some routine testing such as bloodwork and an EKG.
- Come prepared to spend some quality time with us and share your history.
In the event of a medical emergency: If you are not yet a Hirsh Health Center patient, please contact your currentĀ personal physician or visit an urgent care center.