Sara and Samuel J. Lessans Healthcare Symposium – Perspectives in Aging: Strategies for Clinicians and Caregivers
May 8 @ 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
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Charles E. Smith Life Communities, in partnership with Suburban Hospital, a member of Johns Hopkins Medicine, is pleased to convene the fifteenth annual Sara and Samuel J. Lessans Healthcare Symposium, Perspectives on Aging: Strategies for Clinicians and Caregivers. The symposium is made possible by the generosity of Drs. Ellen and Stuart Lessans, in memory of Stuart’s parents, Sara and Samuel J. Lessans.
Join leading physicians and healthcare professionals for an inclusive and dynamic day of education as we explore the factors that contribute to healthy aging. Sessions will focus on the importance of social connections, the negative impact of ageism and health policy related to aging. Speakers will discuss the links between limited social engagement and cognitive decline, how ageism can negatively affect older adults and how policies are being managed and enhanced to assist older adults.
- Understand how to help patients improve their physical, mental and cognitive health.
- Learn about research related to ageism and how healthcare professionals can combat its negative effects.
- Discover the latest studies on social interaction and cognitive health, and gain insight into evidence-based approaches to help improve the lives of older adults.
Charles E. Smith Life Communities has applied for continuing education credits for social workers, nursing home and assisted living managers, and contact hours for nurses.
Morning Keynote Speaker: Allison Gilbert, Emmy Award-winning journalist and author
Moderator: Jillian Racoosin Kornmeier, MPH, Executive Director of the Foundation for Social Connection.
Kickstarting Connection: Insights and Wisdom from “The Joy of Connections”, Dr. Ruth’s Final Book
In today’s challenging and often isolating times, we all yearn for deeper and more fulfilling connections. Join us for an inspiring fireside chat featuring Allison Gilbert, Emmy Award-winning journalist and co-author of Dr. Ruth Westheimer’s final book, The Joy of Connections. Packed with 100 practical strategies you can implement right away, this action-driven guidebook offers more than just solutions for overcoming loneliness — it is anchored by Dr. Ruth’s own story, from the horrific loneliness of losing her family in the Holocaust to living in an orphanage to rebuilding her life in America and eventually becoming a world-renowned sex therapist.
Luncheon Speaker: Susan Pinker, award-winning author, journalist and psychologist
The Village Effect: How Face-to-Face Contact Can Make Us Healthier, Happier, and Smarter
In her book, The Village Effect: How Face-to-Face Contact Can Make Us Healthier, Happier, and Smarter, Pinker explores the impact of face-to-face contact on health, lifespan, education, romance, and business and why face-to-face interaction at home, school and work makes us healthier, smarter and most successful. She provides a compelling argument for why digital networks will never replace genuine human contact — and why we need it to survive. A keen observer of modern life, Pinker applies data-driven behavioral insights to help us transform our personal and professional lives for the better.
This program will be offered in-person and virtually.
In-person attendees
Complimentary self and valet parking, continental breakfast and lunch.
Breakout sessions will be announced once finalized.