Assisted Living

Center BCAT® Cognitive Center of Excellence, integrating best practices and evidence-based tools and programs for promoting optimal and successful living Additional personal care services available in your own apartment home through SmithLife® Homecare. What else do future assisted living residents…


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Hirsh Health Center

Outpatient Care Hirsh Health Center Specializing in primary geriatric care, the practice serves residents of Charles E. Smith Life Communities as well as patients from the surrounding area. Information & Appointments: 301-816-5004 Now accepting new patients. Primary medical care exclusively…

Warren R. Slavin Post-Acute Care Center

Rehabilitation Warren R. Slavin Post-Acute Care Center At the Warren R. Slavin Post-Acute Care Center at Hebrew Home of Greater Washington, we focus on the lifestyle of each individual and make your goals our priority. With comfortable, private accommodations and


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Hebrew Home of Greater Washington At Hebrew Home of Greater Washington (HHGW), residents are screened daily for COVID-19 signs and symptoms. Policies and procedures are in place to test residents and associates who surpass set thresholds or show specific symptoms….