Sheldon NeedleSheldon Needle is the 2020 Kitty Davis Award recipient for outstanding volunteer service. Needle broadened his relationship with HHGW in 1982 while visiting to say kaddish for his mother. Discovering that one HHGW resident who regularly participated in minyan could not attend, Needle checked on the resident in his home at Wasserman. The one-hour conversation that ensued inspired his commitment to volunteering at CESLC.

According to Needle, his time volunteering has been immensely fulfilling. “Volunteering at CESLC is an important part of my life and gives me great gratification. I cannot duplicate this experience anywhere else,” said Needle. “I become a friend to residents I visit. I am their friend; they are mine,” he added.

For 38 years, Needle has been developing meaningful relationships at CESLC, and his weekly visits have become a staple for residents and team members alike. “The commitment Sheldon has shown our community over the years is exceptional,” said Hebrew Home of Greater Washington Social Worker Marybeth Rizio. “He’s been a warm and familiar face throughout the halls of Hebrew Home for many years, and his presence enriches the lives of so many on campus.”

Needle has devoted countless hours serving our community and is always willing to donate his time to help a resident or team member in need. According to Needle, he prioritizes compassion, authenticity and informed conversation in every interaction. “There is never a shortage of people who welcome a friendly face and someone to care about them,” said Needle, which makes volunteering natural for him.